You can get more information on lariam from your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

Information about Lariam.
At the doses used for treatment of acute malaria infectionsthe symptoms possibly attributable to drug administration cannot be distinguished from those symptoms usually attributable to the disease itself.
Some side effects may occur after you have stopped taking LariamIn a small number of patients it has been shown that depressiondizziness or vertigo and loss of balance may persist for months or longereven after you have stopped taking Lariam.
Although clearance of mefloquine may increase in late pregnancyin generalpregnancy has no clinically relevant effect on the pharmacokinetics of mefloquine.
A mild to serious potential life-threatening allergic reactionanaphylaxisto Lariam or any of its ingredients with symptoms such as difficulty in breathingswollen tongueitching and severe rash severe changes in texture and appearance of the skinespecially serious blistering and peeling that affects the moutheyes and genitalsStevens Johnson syndromefitsseizures or convulsionsheart problems e.gsevere changes in heartbeatincluding poundingracing or skipped beatspalpitationsinflammation of the lungsalso known as pneumonitisThis is a seriouspotentially life-threatening allergic reaction in the lungs which may cause feverchillscoughshortness of breath or chest painsevere liver problems which might be demonstrated by a transient increase in your liver enzymes shown by blood tests or other symptoms such as tenderfirm or possibly enlarged liverjaundiceyellowing of skin/eyesdark urinelight coloured stools and generalised itchiness.
Below is a text only representation of the Patient Information LeafletThe original can be viewed in PDF format using the link above.
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