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Abdominal or stomach pain blisteringpeelingor loosening of the skin chills clay-colored stools cough dark urine diarrhea dizziness fever general tiredness and weakness headache itching or rash joint or muscle pain light-colored stools loss of appetite nausea and vomiting red skin lesionsoften with a purple center redirritated eyes sore throat soresulcersor white spots in the mouth or on the lips unpleasant breath odor unusual tiredness or weakness upper right abdominal or stomach pain vomiting of blood yellow eyes or skin.
Have had an allergic reaction to cephalexinor other cephalosporins have had an allergic reaction to penicillin antibiotics have decreased kidney function have decreased liver function have a history of gastrointestinaldigestive tractdiseases have been treated with anticoagulant therapiesor blood thinners are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Cephalexin is an antibiotic and treats infectionFinish taking all of your medicationEven if you feel betterdo not stop taking medication unless your doctor tells you to stop.
Medicines can interact with certain foodsIn some casesthis may be harmful and your doctor may advise you to avoid certain foodsIn the case of cephalexin there are no specific foods that you must exclude from your diet when receiving cephalexin.
This medication passes into breast milkConsult your doctor before breast-feeding.
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