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Use repaglinide regularly to get the most benefitGet your prescription refilled before you run out of medicine completely.
Do not use this medication if you are allergic to repaglinideif you have type 1 diabetesor if you are in a state of diabetic ketoacidosiscall your doctor for treatment with insulinYou should not use repaglinide together with gemfibrozilLopidor NPH insulinsuch as isophane insulin
There are no studies of repaglinide in pregnant womenRepaglinide should be avoided during pregnancy.
Other medications can affect the removal of repaglinide from your bodywhich may affect how repaglinide worksExamples include clopidogrelgemfibroziltrimethoprimazole antifungalssuch as itraconazolemacrolide antibioticssuch as erythromycinrifamycinssuch as rifabutinStJohn’s wortamong others.
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