With devotion, and uttered, obeisances to tulasi devi, queen of vrndavana forest.

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Only then did I become truly aware of the importance of cultivating Tulasi plantsI realized that my initial attraction to Tulasiand my obsessive desire to grow Tulasiplantsthough not inspired by a direct instruction from Srila Prabhupadawere communicated from within the heart by the Lord to please and assist Srila Prabhupada in his missionI felt humbled and joyful that even in my ignorance I had been given an opportunity to serve him in this way.
Tulasi is auspicious in all respectsSimply by seeingsimply by touchingsimply by rememberingsimply by praying tosimply by bowing beforesimply by hearing aboutor simply by sowing this treethere is always auspiciousnessAnyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the abovementioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world.
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