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For the past yearMartin Schmidt couldn’t figure out why his six-year-old daughter Chloe stopped being a normal and happy girl.
It seems that everyone who reviews this medication either loves it or hates itI’m somewhere in betweenI haven’t had any side effects from itbut I can’t say I’ve benefited from it eitherI’ve decided that in my case it is a waster of moneyand I’m going to stop taking it.
Earlier this month he learned that Chloe’s asthma medication Montelukasta chewablecherry-flavoured tabletcould trigger suicidal thoughts and actionsdepression and aggressive behaviour.
Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctorThe dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatmentIf you are using the chewable tabletschew them thoroughly before swallowingIf your child cannot safely chew and swallow themconsult the doctor or pharmacist for advice.
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this subsection is not applicable for the singulair paediatric 4 mg chewable tablets since they are intended for use in children 2 to 5 years of age, however the following information is relevant to the active ingredient, montelukast.