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Glycopotin IIb/IIIa Inhibitos: ATOLIP CV should b usd with caution in patints whciv concomitant glycopotin IIb/IIIa inhibitos.
A cass habdomyolysis with acut nal ailu sconday tmyoglobinuia hav bn potd with atovastatin and with oth dugs in this class. A histoy nal impaimnt may b a isk actth dvlopmnt habdomyolysis. Such patints mit clos monitoing skltal muscl cts.
Th isk myopathy duing tatmnt with dugs in this class is incasd with concunt administation cyclospoin, ibic acid divativs, ythomycin, claithomycin, th hpatitis C potas inhibittlapvi, combinations HIV potas inhibitos, including saquinavi plus itonavi, lopinavi plus itonavi, tipanavi plus itonavi, daunavi plus itonavi, osampnavi, and osampnavi plus itonavi, niacin, azol antiungals. Physicians considing combind thapy with ATOLIP CV and ibic acid divativs, ythomycin, claithomycin, a combination itonavi plus saquinavi, lopinavi plus itonavi, daunavi plus itonavi, osampnavi, osampnavi plus itonavi, azol antiungals, lipid-modiying doss niacin should caully wigh th potntial bnits and isks and should caully monitpatints any signs symptoms muscl pain, tndnss, waknss, paticulaly duing th initial months thapy and duing any piods upwad dosag titation ith dug. Low stating and maintnanc doss ATOLIP CV should b considd whn takn concomitantly with th aomntiond dugs. Piodic CPK dtminations may b considd in such situations, but th is nassuanc that such monitoing will pvnt th occunc sv myopathy.
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